Rules & Regulations
Guru Dronacharya Public School
- Please read the following rules carefully.
- The principal has the right to stop a child from attending the school if and when – fees have not been paid despite repeated reminders.
- The child is rude and disobedient in spite of reminders.
- The child indulges in any sort of bad behaviour.
- The child is irregular in attending school.
- Please see that the child comes to school regularly and punctually. The child should attend the morning prayers. Late comers will not be allowed to attend classes.
- Read the entries in the diary of the child daily. It is important and in the interest of your child.
- Allow only a reliable person to come punctually to fetch your child after school. He must have school authority card.
- Please see that child is collected in time after school. The institution is not responsible for any child left behind an hour after the last school bell.
- Please write the name, class and section on all your child’s belongings. We are not responsible for things left behind. So, please teach the child to be responsible and careful about his/her belongings.
- Do not give your children toys or ball as to play with when they come to school. The child can be distracted on the road.
- We do not accept any sweets or presents except Greeting Cards and flowers. Children are encouraged to give hand- made cards.
- Do not give any loans or tips to the workers of the school.
- No valuable like gold chain/ear-rings etc. is supposed to be worn by the children in the school. For any such loss, school will not be held responsible.
- A week’s notice is required to get the School Leaving Certificate. All dues must be cleared before applying for the School Leaving Certificate.
- The transfer certificate should be applied for and collected within thirty days of withdrawal of the child from this school.
- Please note that the date of birth will not be changed at the time of issuing the School Leaving Certificate.
- It is compulsory for all students to attend school on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. Student’s absence without a leave- note renders the pupil liable to have her/his name struck off the roll. Re-admission may be granted at the discretion of the principal only on payment of re-admission fee.
- Children should come to school smartly and neatly dressed in full uniform.
- After the first bell in the morning, students should march forward in queue for the assembly, in silence. The second bell is a signal to go to their respective class-rooms for attendance.
- The school accepts no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home because of failure:-
- to wear proper school uniform (b) to attend the assembly in time.
- A sick child should not be sent to school. If a child is absent, please note it in the leave record page provided in the diary. A medical certificate should be submitted if the child is ill for more than five days.
- Students even of senior classes i.e. IX – XII are not permitted to bring scooters/mopeds etc. to school if they don’t have driving license.
- Students are forbidden to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the principal. No relative or visitor will be permitted to take the child home without the telephonic conversation or the written consent of the parents/Guardians.
- A leave note must be sent to the office when the child is absent. We do not appreciate when children are absent for no proper reason. If a child remains absent for a week with no leave-note, his name is likely to be struck off the role.
- Parents are not allowed to meet teachers during exams. So please sort out your problems before the exams.
- Parents are free to come and discuss problems with the principal and if allowed, with the class teacher at 10 a.m. during working days.
- Parents are requested not to enter classrooms either to see their children or to seek interviews with the teacher during school hours.
- Parent’s attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of a teacher or the school in the presence of the child causes the child to lose his or her respect for the teacher & will hinder his or her sound mental growth.
- Any communication made by the parents should be addressed to the principal and not to the class teacher, and all correspondence from the school to the parents must go through the principal.
- Money should not be given to children if they need not buy anything from the school.
- Parents are requested to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity & discipline & ensuring that the school-rules are observed. They must check the School Diary regularly & sign home assignments / remarks etc. meant for their information.
- Parents are also requested to pay special attention to their child’s language.

Safidon Road, Jind
Haryana -126102
+91 82220 10979
+91 98969 01688
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