About The School
Guru Dronacharya Public School, Jind


GDPS is the First landmark of the Jindal Foundation started in 2003 to provide comprehensive education to both genders in Humanities, Science, and Commerce. The school is affiliated with CBSE, New Delhi, and is located at 7th Km Stone, Safidon Road, Jind in Nature’s lap and has its own grand Earth-quake proof building designed by modern and Vastu Perfect architect.
We believe education is not just the acquisition of knowledge but the development of key skills, attitudes, and values which last a lifetime. We focus on a skills-based, student-centered, inquiry-oriented, personalized model of learning as opposed to the traditional content-based, teacher-centered, examination-oriented one-size-fits-all model of teaching.
Our core objective is to see that, at the end of the schooling years, a student is performing to the best of his/her academic ability, is groomed as a well-rounded personality who can excel at any chosen career, and has imbibed the right human values and has his/her heart in the right place.
Aims & Objectives
The school aims at providing an atmosphere to develop the individual personality of each student and inculcate in all the students a superior sense of awareness and responsibility. Our vision is to provide a safe, happy, and protective environment in a campus built around the curriculum enabling students to wonder and be curious, explore with a free mind and equip them with the skills to become lifelong learners and useful citizens of a great Bharat.

Senior Wing
“High school is about finding who you are, because that’s more important than trying to be someone else.” – Nick Jonas
Our Senior wing is in complete sync with the mission and vision of the GDPS which galvanize the learner at the centre of the teaching and learning by promoting self learning, inclusive education and innovative teaching learning pedagogies.
Our Senior wing brings forth and equilibrium with our rigorous academic curriculum with myraid of activities, stimulation and events to invigorate the young dynamism and fiery spirit in our students.

Junior Wing

“Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later.” – Dana Stewart Scott
In the cozy lap of the Junior wing of GDPS, learning also encompasses the development of 3Hs.
*Head- For cognitive development and being logical
*Heart – For controlling the development of emotions and feelings
Hands-About practicality, action and physical effect. This way it fosters the all-round development of the learners and empowers them to evolve as confident Global Citizens.

Safidon Road, Jind
Haryana -126102
+91 82220 10979
+91 98969 01688
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