Guru Dronacharya Public School, Jind, organized an Inter House “Mono Acting” competition, on the school premises. The theme of the competition was CORRUPTION. The students of Grades VI to VIII participated with great zeal in this event and displayed their acting caliber through an array of mono acts. Mono acting is an impressive tool to stimulate the power of imagination of the students and inspire them to use their facial expressions, body language, and gestures to depict various characters. They conveyed a powerful message through their performances.
The participants were judged on the basis of their confidence level, voice modulation, and the content presented by them through their acts. The judge for the “Mono Acting Competition” was Ms. Poonam Mann, who was so mesmerized by the performances of all the participants that she had a challenging time picking out the winners. The Principal, Ms. Ashu Rathore Gupta, congratulated the winners and appreciated the performance of all the students.
It was a great learning experience for them.