In the loving memory of Late Shri Ashok Kumar Jindal, the Founder Chairman of Guru Dronacharya Public School, Jind, a Marathon was organized from Shri Shyam Garden, Jind to Ashoka Sports Academy,Safidon Road, Jind on his birth anniversary.
Shri Sajjan ji started the race by waving the green flag. The Chairperson Sh Arvind Bansal, SMC member Mrs. Sarita Jindal, Director Ranvir Pal Singh, SMC members Mr. Piyush Bansal, the School principal Mrs. Ashu Rathore, Mrs. Shivani Gupta, Mr. Vijay Gupta, Ms. Anupama Jindal, and other officials alongwith the whole staff, were present on this occasion. Students from classes 4 to 12 of the school participated in the race. Nearly 500 students from ours and other schools took part in this competition. The competition was divided into three categories: Under 14, Under 17, and Above 17. In Under 14 category, Mohit (from Guru Dronacharya Public School) secured the first position, while Ashwin and Abhay secured the second and third positions respectively. In Under 17 category, Ankit secured the first position, followed by Jashan in second position and Akshay in third position. Among students above 17 years of age, Yugal secured the first position, Akshay secured the second position, while Neeraj bagged the third position. Participants from other areas and schools also took part in this division-level Marathon and showcased their talent. After the race, lamps were lit and Wrestling and Kabaddi matches were conducted, along with Saraswati Vandana. The top participants were honored with cash prizes, certificates, and medals.
Additionally, Siddhant was recognized by the school for his selection in the National level Kabaddi Team.Also, Neeraj was felicitated for his fantastic performance at State level.
Sushant Bura, an Indian Navy CPO, won the Games Championship Gold and is currently representing the nation at the World Championships in Azerbaijan (Baku), after being as crowned the All India University Champion and winning the 13th National Medal. He was felicitated by our School for his fantastic achievements.
At the end of the program, the Principal Ms. Ashu Rathore Gupta and management congratulated the children for their achievements and encouraged them to do even better.