“May Lord Krishna come to your house and take away all your makhan-mishri with all your worries & sorrow. Happy Janmashtami”.
Guru Dronacharya Public School had a “Pre Janmashtami” festival on 5th September, 2023 (Monday) in the school campus.There were several events in the celebration like fancy dress competition, singing, dancing and a skit. All the students were in colourful dresses and some of them were performing characters of Lord Krinshna and some were performing Radha Rani. The skit based on Krishan Lila was performed by Grade 4 students and it was very heart touching and was performed well. At the end of the event “Dahi Handi” event was also organised. For this “Dahi Handi” the students from classes 7th to 12th took part and the whole school family enjoyed as the audience. The special guests for the celebration were Honourable SMC member Mr. Piyush Bansal and Principal Ms.. Ashu Rathore Gupta. In this Celebration students enjoyed a lot and the teachers were overjoyed after seeing the performances of their students. Overall the celebration was really fabulous. The school was all coloured in the shades of happiness and optimism.