“Teej day is meant to celebrate the goals and achievements that make your life full of happiness.The idols you believe in, the dream you love the most….. Happy Teej”.
Guru Dronacharya Public School celebrated “TEEJ” festival on 19th August ,2023 in the school campus. In this program students of 3rd to 5th classes decorated the bangles with the guidance of their teachers. The students of 6th to 12th classes took part (according to their houses) in the “MEHNDI” competition. The order for application of heena was based on drawing lots and they applied heena to their teachers. The results were also declared on the same day as Honourable SMC member Mr. Piyush Bansal and Principal Ms.. Ashu Rathore Gupta was the judge in the competition. In which Bheem House got 1st position and all the rest 3 Houses were so competitive that they were at 2nd position. In this Celebration students enjoyed a lot and the teachers were overjoyed to get their students applying henna. Overall the celebration was really mind blowing.