Guru Dronacharya Public School celebrated 76th Independence day in the school campus. The program started with the lighting of the lamp. The flag was hoisted by the School Management committee and the Principal of the school. In honour of the flag, the students sang the national anthem. After the national anthem, there was an energetic march past done by the newly elected Students Council. Alongwith the Independence Day celebration, the Investiture ceremony was also been organised in the school, in which various positions like Head and Deputy Head Girls and boys, Sports Captain and Vice Captain girls and boys, Cultural Captain and Vice Captain girls and boy, and all the 4 Houses’ captains and vice captains, girls and boys were elected and felicitated by the school Management Committee as well as Ma’am Principal. Also, there was a patriotic Inter- House dance competition which was judged by our Honorable Director Mr. Ranvir Pal Singh and SMC Member Mr. Piyush Bansal. The whole event filled the hearts of the audience with the feeling of patriotism. Then, at the end of the program we were motivated, inspired and appreciated by a speech of our hon’ble Principal ma’am who also declared the results of the dance competition in which Eklavya House got 1st position followed by Karan House, Arjun House and Bheem House with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th places respectively. In the end refreshment was distributed to the students.